Convert Unpopped to Popped Popcorn
When you want to convert 1/2 cup of unpopped kernels using an air popper, this Unpopped Popcorn to Popped conversion tool would process this quantity to find your popped yield, typically around 22-23 cups of popped popcorn.
Need 24 cups of popped popcorn? Using the formula, divide 24 by 32, and you’ll find you need 3/4 cup of unpopped kernels.
How to Use Unpopped to Popped Popcorn Calculator
- Enter the weight of the unpopped kernels
- Select input and output measurement units (cups, ounces, grams, pounds)
- Choose your popping method (Air Pop, Microwave, Stove-top or Commercial Popper)
The calculator will compute the estimated amount of popped popcorn
Unpopped Popcorn to Popped Conversion Table
Unpopped Popcorn (Volume) | Popped Popcorn (Volume) | Volume Increase Ratio |
1 teaspoon (5 mL) | 1.33 cups (320 mL) | ~16x |
1 tablespoon (15 mL) | 4 cups (1 liter) | ~16x |
2 tablespoons (30 mL) | 8 cups (2 liters) | ~16x |
1/4 cup (60 mL) | 16 cups (4 liters) | ~16x |
1/3 cup (80 mL) | 21 cups (5 liters) | ~16x |
1/2 cup (120 mL) | 32 cups (8 liters) | ~16x |
2/3 cup (160 mL) | 42 cups (10 liters) | ~16x |
3/4 cup (180 mL) | 48 cups (12 liters) | ~16x |
1 cup (240 mL) | 64 cups (16 liters) | ~16x |
1.5 cups (360 mL) | 96 cups (24 liters) | ~16x |
2 cups (480 mL) | 128 cups (32 liters) | ~16x |
Unpopped to Popped Popcorn Formula
1 cup of unpopped kernels yields approximately 32 cups of popped popcorn
Basic Yield Formula:
Popped Volume = Unpopped Volume × Expansion Ratio
Conversion Formula:
Servings = Popped Volume ÷ 2 cups
Calorie Estimation:
Calories = Unpopped Cups × 120
For 1/2 cup of kernels, calculations would be:
Air Popper: 0.5 cups × 45 = 22.5 cups popped
Servings = 22.5 ÷ 2 = 11.25 servings
What are Expansion Ratios?
- Air Popper: Ratio: 1:45, Yield: 45 cups per cup
- Microwave: Ratio: 1:40, Yield: 40 cups per cup
- Stovetop: Ratio: 1:42, Yield: 42 cups per cup
- Commercial: Ratio: 1:46, Yield: 46 cups per cup
- Average: Ratio: 1:44, Yield: 44 cups per cup
How to Convert Unpopped Popcorn to Popped?
The conversion process is straightforward using the 32:1 ratio.
Just multiply your unpopped amount by 32 to calculate the popped volume.
Remember these measurements:
- 1 cup equals 16 tablespoons
- 1 quart equals 4 cups
Starting with 2 tablespoons of kernels (which is 1/8 cup), multiply by 32 to get 4 cups of popped popcorn.
- 1 cup unpopped transforms into 32 cups popped
- 1/2 cup unpopped yields 16 cups popped
- 1/4 cup unpopped becomes 8 cups popped
- 1/3 cup unpopped produces 10-11 cups popped
- 2 tablespoons unpopped makes 4 cups popped
What is Unpopped Popcorn and Popped Popcorn?
Unpopped popcorn kernels are those tiny, hard corn seeds that resemble golden pearls. Each kernel is a marvel of nature, containing a microscopic water droplet surrounded by soft starch and protected by a hard outer shell.
Popped popcorn is the magical result when heat transforms these kernels into light, airy treats. This amazing change happens at approximately 350°F when internal pressure builds until the kernel dramatically turns itself inside out!