Rain to Snow Calculator

To accurately convert rain to snow, enter rainfall amount in millimeters (mm) or inches, enter temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).

Select Snow Type, Wet Snow (ratio ~5:1 to 8:1), Average Snow (ratio ~10:1), and Dry Snow (ratio ~15:1 to 20:1).

The calculator will compute the equivalent snow depth based on the snow-to-liquid ratio.

Rain to Snow Conversion Table

Rainfall (inches)Light Snow (15:1)Moderate Snow (10:1)Heavy Wet Snow (5:1)
0.11.5 inches1.0 inches0.5 inches
0.23.0 inches2.0 inches1.0 inches
0.57.5 inches5.0 inches2.5 inches
1.015.0 inches10.0 inches5.0 inches
2.030.0 inches20.0 inches10.0 inches
3.045.0 inches30.0 inches15.0 inches
4.060.0 inches40.0 inches20.0 inches
5.075.0 inches50.0 inches25.0 inches
6.090.0 inches60.0 inches30.0 inches
7.0105.0 inches70.0 inches35.0 inches
8.0120.0 inches80.0 inches40.0 inches
9.0135.0 inches90.0 inches45.0 inches
10.0150.0 inches100.0 inches50.0 inches
11.0165.0 inches110.0 inches55.0 inches
12.0180.0 inches120.0 inches60.0 inches
13.0195.0 inches130.0 inches65.0 inches
14.0210.0 inches140.0 inches70.0 inches
15.0225.0 inches150.0 inches75.0 inches

Formula For Rain to Snow Conversion

Snow Depth = Rainfall × Snow Ratio


  • Rainfall: Amount of liquid precipitation (inches or mm)
  • Snow-to-Liquid Ratio: Conversion factor based on temperature and snow type

Temperature Adjustment Formula:

Adjusted Ratio = Base Ratio × (1 + (32 - Temperature)/40)


  • Base Ratio: Standard snow-to-liquid ratio for the selected snow type
  • Temperature: Ambient temperature in Fahrenheit
Final Snow Depth = Rainfall × Adjusted Ratio × Unit Conversion Factor

Snow Types

  • Wet Snow: Base Ratio = 10:1, Temperature Range = 28-32°F
  • Average Snow: Base Ratio = 13:1, Temperature Range = 20-27°F
  • Dry Snow: Base Ratio = 15:1, Temperature Range = 15-19°F
  • Powder Snow: Base Ratio = 20:1, Temperature Range = Below 15°F

What is the Most Common Snow-to-Liquid Ratio?

The most common ratio is 10:1, meaning one inch of rain equals ten inches of snow. This represents wet snow conditions typical of temperatures near freezing (32°F/0°C).

Modern meteorology recognizes that ratios can vary from 3:1 to 100:1 based on atmospheric conditions, with 13:1 being a reliable average for forecasting.

How to Convert Rain to Snow?

  • Determine the snow ratio based on expected temperature and moisture conditions:
    • Wet, heavy snow (near 32°F): 10:1 ratio
    • Average snow (20-30°F): 12:1 ratio
    • Light, fluffy snow (very cold): 15:1 or higher
  • Measure or note the rainfall amount in inches or millimeters
  • Multiply the rainfall by the chosen ratio

With 2 inches of rain and expecting average snow conditions: 2 inches × 12 = 24 inches of snow

1 inch of rain to snow: 1 inch × 10 = 10 inches of snow Perfect for basic winter storm planning

2 inches of rain to snow: 2 inches × 10 = 20 inches of snow Significant snowfall requiring serious preparation

3 inches of rain converted to snow: 3 inches × 10 = 30 inches of snow Major winter storm conditions

4 inches of rain converted to snow: 4 inches × 10 = 40 inches of snow Extreme winter weather event

5 inches of rain equals how much snow: 5 inches × 10 = 50 inches of snow Potentially record-breaking snowfall

What is Rain to Snow?

Rain to snow conversion represents the fascinating process where liquid precipitation transforms into frozen crystalline structures.

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