Polynomial Regression Calculator

Enter each x,y pair on a new line, separated by comma.
Select the degree of the polynomial.
Enter an x value to predict its corresponding y value.

Enter Data Points: Provide dataset as pairs of x and y values in the format: x1,y1;x2,y2;.... example: 1,2;2,4;3,9.

Enter Polynomial Degree: Specify degree of polynomial (e.g., 2 for quadratic or 3 for cubic).

The calculator will compute and display polynomial equation and coefficients.

Polynomial Regression Formula

The form of the polynomial regression equation is:

y = β₀ + β₁x + β₂x² + β₃x³ + ... + βₙxⁿ


  • y is the dependent variable
  • x is the independent variable
  • β₀ is the y-intercept
  • β₁, β₂, β₃, βₙ are coefficients
  • n is the polynomial degree

Different Polynomial Degrees:

  • Linear (n=1): y = β₀ + β₁x
  • Quadratic (n=2): y = β₀ + β₁x + β₂x²
  • Cubic (n=3): y = β₀ + β₁x + β₂x² + β₃x³
  • Quartic (n=4): y = β₀ + β₁x + β₂x² + β₃x³ + β₄x⁴

Matrix Formulas

To compute the coefficients a₀, a₁, …, aₙ, we use:

a = (X^T X)⁻¹ X^T * Y


  • X is the design matrix, where each row corresponds to the powers of x for a given data point.
  • Y is the column matrix of y values.
  • X^T is the transpose of X.
  • (X^T * X)⁻¹ is the inverse of the product of X^T and X.

What is Polynomial Regression?

Polynomial regression is a form of regression analysis where the relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modeled as an nth-degree polynomial. It’s used when data points show a curvilinear relationship, making it more suitable than simple linear regression for many real-world applications.

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