MOA to MIL Calculator
1 MOA = 0.2908 MIL, To use moa to milliradian calculator, enter the number of MOA you want to convert to MIL i.e. 20 MOA, select conversion type: i.e. MOA to MIL or MIL to MOA.
The calculator provides both exact conversion and scope click values.
This MOA to MIL calculator uses precise conversion factors to translate between Minutes of Angle (MOA) and Milliradians (MIL/MRAD).
1 MOA = π / (180 × 60) radians and 1 MIL = 1 / 1000 radian
MOA to Milliradian Conversion Table
MOA | Milliradians (MRAD) | MOA (rounded to nearest MRAD) |
0.5 | 0.145 | 0.1 |
1.0 | 0.291 | 0.3 |
2.0 | 0.582 | 0.6 |
3.0 | 0.873 | 0.9 |
4.0 | 1.164 | 1.2 |
5.0 | 1.455 | 1.5 |
10.0 | 2.910 | 2.9 |
14.0 | 4.074 | 4.1 |
20.0 | 5.820 | 5.8 |
32.0 | 9.312 | 9.3 |
40.0 | 11.640 | 11.6 |
MOA TO MRAD Formulas
The equations for conversion are:
MIL = MOA × 0.2908
MOA = MIL × 3.438
For scope adjustments:
1/4 MOA clicks = MOA × 4
0.1 MIL clicks = MIL × 10
- MOA Scopes:1/4 MOA per click and 1/2 MOA per click
- MIL Scopes: 0.1 MIL per click and 0.05 MIL per click
Example for 2 MOA conversion:
MIL value = 2 × 0.2908 = 0.5816 MIL
0.1 MIL clicks = 6 clicks
How to Convert MOA to MIL
- Take your MOA value
- Multiply it by the conversion factor (0.2909)
- Round to your desired precision (typically 2-4 decimal places)
Converting 6.5 MOA to MIL 6.5 × 0.2909 = 1.89085 MIL Rounded to 2 decimal places = 1.89 MIL
- 2.5 MOA to MIL: 2.5 × 0.2909 = 0.72725 MIL
- 7.8 MOA to MIL: 7.8 × 0.2909 = 2.26902 MIL
- 12.4 MOA to MIL: 12.4 × 0.2909 = 3.60716 MIL
- 15.6 MOA to MIL: 15.6 × 0.2909 = 4.53804 MIL
- 20.3 MOA to MIL: 20.3 × 0.2909 = 5.90527 MIL
What are MOA and MIL?
MOA (Minute of Angle): A unit of angular measurement where 1 MOA equals 1/60th of a degree. At 100 yards, 1 MOA equals approximately 1.047 inches.
MIL (Milliradian): A metric unit of angular measurement where 1 MIL equals 1/1000th of a radian. At 100 meters, 1 MIL corresponds to a displacement of 10 centimeters.