Dog Trazodone Dose Calculator

Enter your dog's weight
Select weight unit
Select tablet strength
Select treatment purpose

In this dog trazodone dose calculator, Enter weight of canine in kilograms or pounds. Input minimum and maximum recommended dosage per kilogram of the dog’s weight. This range is typically provided by a veterinarian (e.g., 2–5 mg/kg).

Select between situational, regular, or severe anxiety, the calculator will compute the minimum and maximum Trazodone dosage for your dog.

Trazodone for Dogs Dosage Chart

BreedAverage Weight (lbs)Dosage Range (mg)
Yorkshire Terrier712.5-25
Cocker Spaniel2850-100
Border Collie4075-125
Labrador Retriever65100-200
German Shepherd85150-250
Golden Retriever70100-200
Great Dane140250-300
Poodle (Toy)1012.5-25
Poodle (Standard)55100-150
Shih Tzu1212.5-25
Boston Terrier2025-50
Siberian Husky5075-125
Australian Shepherd5075-125
Cavalier King Charles1512.5-25

100mg Trazodone for Dogs Dosage Chart

Weight Range (lbs)Single DoseDaily Frequency
40-6050mgTwice daily
61-8075mgTwice daily
81-100100mgTwice daily
101-120100mg2-3 times daily

50mg Trazodone for Dogs Dosage Chart

Weight Range (lbs)Single DoseDaily FrequencyDog Size
10-1525mg (½ tablet)Once dailySmall
16-2025mg (½ tablet)Twice dailySmall
21-2550mg (1 tablet)Once dailySmall
26-3550mg (1 tablet)Once dailyMedium
36-4250mg (1 tablet)Twice dailyMedium
43-5050-75mg (1-1½ tablets)Twice dailyMedium
51-6075mg (1½ tablets)Twice dailyLarge
61-70100mg (2 tablets)Twice dailyLarge
71-75100-150mg (2-3 tablets)Twice dailyLarge

Dog Trazodone Dosage Formula

Daily Dose = Dog's Weight (kg) × Dose Rate (mg/kg)

Daily Dose Formula:

Daily Total = Single Dose × Frequency

Tablet Calculation:

Tablets = Dose ÷ Tablet Strength

The dose rate varies based on the condition severity:

  • Mild anxiety: 2.5-3.5 mg/kg
  • Moderate anxiety: 4-8 mg/kg
  • Severe anxiety: 8-15 mg/kg

For a 30kg German Shepherd with mild anxiety:

30 kg × 3 mg/kg = 90mg total daily dose (divided into 45mg twice daily)

How to Calculate How Much Trazodone Can I Give My Dog?

  • Convert weight from pounds to kilograms (divide by 2.2)
  • Identify severity of anxiety/behavioral issues
  • Choose appropriate dose rate within the recommended range
  • Calculate total daily dose based on veterinary guidelines
  • Divide into two administrations for optimal effectiveness

For a 44lb dog (20kg) with moderate anxiety:

20kg × 6 mg/kg = 120mg total daily dose (60mg twice daily)
  • Small Chihuahua (6lbs/2.7kg):Mild anxiety: 2.7kg × 2.5mg/kg = 6.75mg twice daily
  • Beagle (24lbs/11kg): Moderate anxiety: 11kg × 6mg/kg = 66mg daily (33mg twice daily)
  • Golden Retriever (65lbs/29.5kg): Severe anxiety: 29.5kg × 10mg/kg = 295mg daily (147.5mg twice daily)
  • French Bulldog (28lbs/12.7kg): Mild anxiety: 12.7kg × 3mg/kg = 38.1mg daily (19mg twice daily)
  • Border Collie (35lbs/15.9kg): Moderate anxiety: 15.9kg × 7mg/kg = 111.3mg daily (55.6mg twice daily)

What is Trazodone Dosage for Dogs?

Trazodone dosing is the precise calculation of medication amounts for canine anxiety treatment. It’s like a safety formula – uniquely tailored to your dog’s size and anxiety level. The standard dosing range spans from 2.5 to 15 mg/kg per day, divided into two doses.

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